Ĕk-sĕn-trĭks Cluborguild Day (Ek-sen-triks CluborGuild Day) is a Whollyday occurring on 28 Aftermath aka 16 November.
This is the anniversary of the founding of Chapter One of the ECG, which was officially recognized and approved by a California college Student Government Association on Monday, 16 November, 1981 (Setting Orange, 28 Aftermath 3147). Within a year after its official recognition, it was honored as Most Active New Club. Within that same year, both the Founding President and Co-Founding Vice President created so much chaos and discord at the college they were threatened with formal charges. Honor the ECG.
Text from Principia Harmonia and Ek-sen-trik-kuh Discordia: The Tales of Shamlicht.
The ECG was begun by Alien and Zeus at Mt. Santa Juanita College, but had chapters in other colleges and places.